domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

Post N-1: A country I would like to visit 
How everybody or most people I want to know the world, and I have one in firt place in my list of my favorite destinations, and it is Italy but exactly i would like to visit the city of Venice. I want to go to Venice because it has a special feature that I thing is very awesome, in Veneci there are not street, and the people that live there must move on Gondolas, that are like boats.
I was reading that the city of Veneci is conformed by 119 island into a lagoon betwen the sea and maindland.
Resultado de imagen para venecia atracciones
Some beautiful places that you most to visit if you go to Veneci are, fist the Doge´s Palace, also
the Saint Mark´s Basilica and La Fenice Opera House.
 They are some one the principal atracction, but If I will go to Veneci, I can´t lost the oportunity of navigate on  Gondola around the city, It is a dream for me, and a would like to visit this wonderfull city because I want to know what is live without maindland ,cars and subway.

5 comentarios:

  1. Wow! It seems like a unique place to visit! I want to travel there too!

  2. I would like to explore the corners of Venice in gondolas, that would be incredible.

  3. Venice is the most beautiful and romantic city in Italy. I can also travel some day

  4. I love the way they mobilize! That place is wonderful

  5. I love venice, I hope you can go someday.
