Hello guys, how are you?
In this occassion i will told you about phones, do you know the phones?
pobably you are read this with one.
my opinion is that it is like a magic table that i can use by infinite things.
-listen ti music
-speak with persons when they not close
-serch informaton about everythings that you can wish
-take pictures or video
-Colling on the phone
i like the phones becouse of this and becouse it is very confortable... Yet. while the phone is very useful
also we can use unnecessarity. for exemple I use this one everyday, but it is a
mistake besouse i lost a lot of time in nathings, and you, how often do you use
often thimk what i life would be like without it and in conclusion the life is more boring but productively
I also think that life would be more productive, we wouldn´t have distractions in the classes!!